
25 oktober 2013

.:With a hug and some Love:.

Hi Everyone ♥
It's friday and it's also right in the beginning of autumn here in Sweden.
A feeling of the past summer lingers in my head still but it's also a very warm feeling to be able to light some candles at dinnertime when the evening gets darker and darker.
So I figured I would make some cards for some friends to just say "hi" and so on.
I love sending a greeting just for no reason! It just feels good ♥
So first out a card with a hug for a friend :)
The second card has no title... And there's a reason for that...
A friend of mine is going through a tough time... And sending a card feels just right.
But this time I don't want to remind this friend of the things going on... I just wanna say hi and I'm thinking of you... And maybe it brings a smile on to a tired face. That's all...
And then there's also a darling child on the way... And as soon as he or she enters the world I'll put a name on the card ♥ Gotta love them cuties! ;)
And as my last post today... A layout with my favorite man in the world...
Not often captured in a pic, but this tiome I actually caught him in a hug and remembered to take a pic! ♥ This fall at a dinner among friends... Just being us....

Have a wonderful friday and I wish you all of the best for the upcoming weekend!
Stay happy. Stay warm and ofcourse... Stay crafty! ;)
Huge hugs ♥ /Karin~Kajsan

5 kommentarer:

  1. Thank youf or sharing this week. Love everything, but the layout of the two of you is especially nice. Love the picture - he resembles a young Boris Becker!

  2. Love all of the wonderful inspiration. I could look at these all day long! Thanks. :o)

  3. Vældig smukke kort. Jeg er sikker på, at din ven vil blive taknemmelig over at modtage et så smukt kort.

  4. Three totally gorgeous cards; I love them all and also like to send a card, just because I'm thinking of someone. The blue check layout is gorgeous with the pops of lemon. I especially like the music paper and the cluster :)
