
19 juli 2012

Achievement by Bellaidea and info about our Challenge

 Good Morning!
It`s Bellaidea.
I`m not an early bird but I love to visit   the beach early mornings when it`s still not so many people there and not too hot.
This Summer I had a chance to spend there many mornings.
Lucky me, I also had a model with me so I can scrap my fav projects, 30X30 :).
I like this mix of Papercraft Scandinavia, I`m lucky to have still some more:).
Leave a comment below, tell me what do YOU like create the most and you will have a chance to winn some papers specially from me and...Inkido:).
Let us know if you follow our blog, do you visit a lot or just find us for a first time?
Have a great day and remember, you still can participate in OUR CHALLENGE and winn some beautiful stuff from Papercraft Scandinavia and this pretty thing on your blog;

4 kommentarer:

  1. Прелестная страничка, колорит раннего утра на море, Вы передали его очень точно! Мне очень понравилась Ваша работа и то настроение, которе она вызывает! Желаю отличного летнего настроения ! Best wishes from Russia!!!

  2. Thank you so much for your visit and nice comments, best regards!

  3. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  4. yes, I am a follower and will be as, i enjoy the design's here at inkido and Bellaidea is a great charmer !!!! smile
