30 juni 2013

Hello Sunshine.

Hi, Bente here today to share a steaming new lo with you with the glue just about dry!
I have made so many pink romantic layouts lately that I felt like making a different kind today. Conveniently I had a couple of photos laying on my desk from when my youngest sister and her family was visiting here. So I did a boy page,...( still with flowers mind you ;-) )

And here are some shots of the details:

 I decided I wanted to try a different combo. Normally I might still have combined the blue with pink or white or something. Instead I decided to use some of those tan coloured leaves and flowers I received in my latest Inkido kit. I think they work pretty well with the boyish blue.

 Those cute butterflies that I don't seem to ever get enough of, are cut from an Inkido paper and they really have so many that are great for fussy cutting if you are into that.

 The woodgrain in the background was done using a bought mask. 
If you still have not tried let me tell you it is so very easy and you could start trying with a mask that  you make yourself, or maybe a leftover from a chipboard sheet. 
I promise you it is great fun!!

Finally, there is a sprinkling of half pearls in the right hand corner.The three colors come from the same package. I think they look so pretty and add an extra dimension to the page.

Spring Time No 5 (30) - Click Image to Close
 Singing Birds (30)

Cartas Satin Turquoise 12x12 (25)

Dreams - Blue Check 12x12 (25)

PP Fashion Flowers olive (6) 

Cherry Blossom Latte (200)

Hortensia Latte (100)

Mulberry leaf light brown (200)

 Mulberry rose medium turquoise (200)

That's all from me today! I hope I was able to provide at least a little inspiration so you'll go to your scraprooms and enjoy yourselves this Sunday!!

29 juni 2013

Embellished Wood Chipboard - by Emeline

Hi all! Hope your week went well and can you believe we are already mid way through the year! This week, I will share with you a piece of altered wooden chipboard.
Orginally, the piece of wooden chipboard was raw and I covered it with washi tape and layered pattern papers from Inkido.
As you observe, the flower cluster on the left was created with flower motif cut out from pattern paper (Beautiful Memories - Beige Flowers) and layered upon with cut outs from another pattern paper (Beautiful Memories - Beige Anemon). I simply love how coordinated the flowers are. Thanks for popping by today and have a wonderful weekend!
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28 juni 2013

Cheerful layout

Hi Inkido fans!
Larissa here with  a new Inkido layout to inspire you, this time featuring the new green line - Beautiful Memories II....


Let´s take a look at a few more details so you can see how I used Inkido´s Papers, Flowers and blings to put this layout togehter:

I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for your visit!

27 juni 2013

The spirit of summer captured - a shabby card by DT Zanka

DT Zanka here today, sharing a card inspired by the scandinavian summer.
Light, fresh, crisp and breezy , with a hint of shabby style :)

Beautiful Memories II, with its light, pastel, whitewashed colours is my perfect choice for the card making during this season :)
And why not try to make a tiny summer bouquet with some cutouts from BMII Blue Labels, a bit of gessoed twine or few die cuts?

Thanks for stopping by, have a great time creating with Inkido!
DT Zanka

Inkido supplies:

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25 juni 2013

GDT Noemi and her projects

We have a guest from Poland today, please welcome Noemi!

Hi, my name is Noemi Parczewska. I live in the middle of Europe, in Poland.
I am a student and I'm going to graduate this year. I cannot wait! I am interested in 
a lot of things (not only crafty things ;) ), I love reading books, taking photos of reality
and people who are surrounding me, organizing/creating rooms in our home and more, and more... I've been scrapbooker and little artist for 3 years, this hobby became passion and totally changed my life and my routine. I love girly style on my cards, a lot of ribbons, flowers, butterflies and a bit modern and definitely not girly LOs. That's me. Thank you so much to Inkido for having me as their GD. It's pleasure for me.

Cześć, z tej strony Noomiy, a właściwie Emi Parczewska, 
uczennica z Polski, chwilę przed maturą. Jestem marzycielką, lubię myśleć o teraźniejszości i przyszłości... chciałabym, żeby praca kreatywna była moją "prawdziwą" pracą i chyba powoli nią się staje, chcę też być profesjonalnym fotografem, projektować wnętrza. Tak, ale my nadal jesteśmy na Ziemi. Lubię historię, język polski i odrobinę interesuję się psychologią. Pomiędzy nauką (końcowy egzamin-matura-już wkrótce) trochę tworzę. Scrapuję już ponad dwa lata i kocham to! Scrapbooking zmienił prawie każdą część mojego życia, zaczęłam się interesować fotografią, różnego rodzaju mediami (spreje, kredki, różne farby), zakochałam się w papierze, stemplach i tego typu rzeczach. Stałam się artystką (taką malutką). Nie mam konkretnego stylu i nie mam ulubionej formy. Lubię za to szalone i kolorowe scrapy, albumy i art żurnale oraz pastelowe i shabbowate kartki i tagi. Zazwyczaj słucham głosu serca, on mi mówi co i jak mam zrobić... 

Beautiful Pink http://www.papercraftscandinavia.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=246_256&products_id=3140

24 juni 2013

Romantisk Kort/Romantic Card

Hei alle sammen! Yasmin her på bloggen i dag og  har jeg et romantisk kort jeg gjerne vil vise frem! :) 

Hello Everyone! It's Yasmin here on the blog today and  I have a romantic card to share with you. 

Jeg har ikke bare brukt ett inkido stempel for å lage kortet mitt, men 6 forskjellige stempler satt sammen til ett trykk! Motivet er farget med distress inks. 

I haven't used only one inkido stamp to make my card, but 6 diffrent ones all put together as one motiv! I colored it with different distress inks. 

Jeg har kost meg med de nyeste papirene i "Beautiful Memories 2" kolleksjonen. De er så vakre og jeg må legge til at jeg ble faktisk veldig fornøyd med det kortet her. Fikk bittetlitt dårlig samvittighet når jeg krøllet papiret godt inni hånda mi for å skape litt tekstur og dimensjon.

I have enjoyed playing with the newest papers in the "Beautiful Memories 2" Collection. They are utterly beautiful and I must add that I'm very happy with the way this card turned out. :) I felt a bit guilty for curling up the papers to add a bit of texture and dimention. They are so beautiful!

Håper kortet mitt inspirerer og kanskje en dag så lager jeg en tutorial på hvordan du kan lage din egen stempel kollage med Inkido's herlige stempler. :)

I hope my card inspires and someday I maybe do a tutorial on how to make your own stamp collage with Inkido's awesome stamps. :)

23 juni 2013

Red and Green Cards

Hi there! I hope you are enjoying weekend to the max because I am ;) 
Without further ado, here are the cards I made for this post.  I totally adore those gorgeous papers!

Thank you so much for looking. Till my next post, enjoy your Sunday! :D


Inkido products used :