Hi, Bente here today to share a steaming new lo with you with the glue just about dry!
I have made so many pink romantic layouts lately that I felt like making a different kind today. Conveniently I had a couple of photos laying on my desk from when my youngest sister and her family was visiting here. So I did a boy page,...( still with flowers mind you ;-) )
And here are some shots of the details:
I decided I wanted to try a different combo. Normally I might still have combined the blue with pink or white or something. Instead I decided to use some of those tan coloured leaves and flowers I received in my latest Inkido kit. I think they work pretty well with the boyish blue.
Those cute butterflies that I don't seem to ever get enough of, are cut from an Inkido paper and they really have so many that are great for fussy cutting if you are into that.
The woodgrain in the background was done using a bought mask.
If you still have not tried let me tell you it is so very easy and you could start trying with a mask that you make yourself, or maybe a leftover from a chipboard sheet.
I promise you it is great fun!!
Finally, there is a sprinkling of half pearls in the right hand corner.The three colors come from the same package. I think they look so pretty and add an extra dimension to the page.

That's all from me today! I hope I was able to provide at least a little inspiration so you'll go to your scraprooms and enjoy yourselves this Sunday!!